Work with us

Your gift will help CACI implement early childhood Development and Primary education, Vocational skills training, sponsorship program and Adult literacy in Uganda.

Your Donation makes a difference

“With your support, Change African Child International (CACI) can bring education and economic opportunities to Uganda’s most undeserved communities. Your contribution helps provide access to learning for children in hard-to-reach villages and offers adults, who missed out on formal schooling, a second chance through our literacy programs. Together, we’re breaking barriers to build brighter futures.”

  • $10: Provide a meal for a child for 3 months in remote village of Uganda.
  • $25: Provides essential scholastic materials for a child for 3 month(a term).
  • $50: Can help to pay a instructor monthly fee.
  • $100: Funds vocational training for a young woman or literacy classes for an adult, equipping them with employable skills.
  • $250: Supports the improvement of classrooms, teacher training, and the expansion of community literacy programs.

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